Master the Art of Men’s Outerwear: A Guide to 12 Essential Coats and How to Wear Them


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Master the Art of Men's Outerwear: A Guide to 12 Essential Coats and How to Wear Them

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Types of men’s coats (5) “Polo coats

The “polo coat” has its roots in the weight coats worn by polo players in 19th-century England while waiting between matches, and the coats worn by the British team during breaks in international matches between England and the U.S. in the 1920s attracted attention in the U.S. and spread to the general public in the Eastern and Midwestern United States, led by Ivy League students. League students and spread to the general public in the eastern and midwestern United States. Later, Brooks Brothers Company marketed this coat design as the polo coat, which marked the beginning of the polo coat as a fashion item. At a quick glance, it looks like a Chester coat, but if you pay attention to details such as the large Ulster collar, patch and flap pockets, and turn-up cuffs, you will see that it is a different item. This coat has a sporty and casual taste while maintaining a dressy taste that goes well with suits.

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