Eight ironclad models recommended for men who want to wear Japanese brand sneakers.

Eight ironclad models recommended for men who want to wear Japanese brand sneakers.

Sneakers are ideal for a light and casual look on your feet. While models produced by famous overseas sports brands are mainly popular, many sneakers from Japanese brands are also hidden gems. In this issue, we will focus on the top-rated “Japan brand” models that reflect the high quality and attention to detail that Japan prides itself on!

Why are sneakers made in Japan so highly regarded?

While many foreign sneaker brands are gaining popularity, “Made in Japan” is attracting attention because of its high quality. Japanese-made products are often manufactured with craftsmanship and traditional techniques, and each pair of sneakers is carefully crafted by artisans, resulting in a high quality finish that is unparalleled. In addition, many models are made to fit the Japanese foot, so they are more comfortable to wear and more comfortable than sneakers made overseas. Sneakers made in Japan, which combine the use of carefully selected materials, high technology, and comfort, are highly regarded not only in Japan but also overseas.

Moonstar’s “MADE IN KURUME” sneakers

8 Japanese brand sneakers!

Japanese brand’s top sneakers (1) “Onitsuka Tiger SERRANO

Onitsuka Tiger, founded by Kihachiro Onizuka in 1949, is widely loved not only in Japan but also in Europe and other countries. The Serrano sneaker, picked up here, is a standard model that has fans all over the world. It features a thin-soled, lightweight style inspired by athletic spike shoes, and has a nice retro look. The coloring like the one used in the thumbnail of this article is also popular, but the standard color is this tricolor. This pair is always a strong candidate when seeking Japanese sneakers.

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