36 Young People’s Words You’ll Be Classified as an Older Man If You Don’t Know Them [ Updated as needed ].


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36 Young People's Words You'll Be Classified as an Older Man If You Don't Know Them [ Updated as needed ].

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Popular youth words in 2019


The term was coined by combining the words “cyborg” and “Chinese.
The term refers to beautiful Chinese women with strong makeup and a beauty that is far from being human.


Shortened form of ” on a different level.”
It is used to describe a person’s talent, skill, quality, etc., as being extraordinary.


It is said to have spread among young people because it is often uttered by Chiaki Inoue, the head of the art club, played by Rei Maruyama, a popular YouTube impersonator.
Originally, it was used in the NHK children’s program “Oi! Hanimaru,” which aired from 1983 to 1989. is believed to be the origin of the word “hani-ya?

00 nida

The word “hani-ya” is a phrase that has a Korean-like nuance by adding “nida” to the end of the word. It has become popular due to the Korean boom in a wide range of fields such as fashion, makeup, and music.


This phrase is used when encountering an unexpected situation.
It became popular when the popular YouTuber “Guardsman” used it frequently when he was caught in an extreme surprise.


Abbreviation for “super darling.
A term used to describe a man with good looks, a good personality, high height, high education, and high income.


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