36 Young People’s Words You’ll Be Classified as an Older Man If You Don’t Know Them [ Updated as needed ].


36 Young People's Words You'll Be Classified as an Older Man If You Don't Know Them [ Updated as needed ].

The “Ryukugo Taisho” (流行語大賞) award attracts a lot of attention every year, partly because the phrases chosen reflect the public mood of the year in Japan. The phrases used by the younger generation are even more interesting because they reflect the atmosphere of the times, and many of them make us say, “I see! and “I see!” Many of them make us say, “I see.
Recently, with the spread of smartphones and the majorization of otaku culture, there is a marked tendency for words that were first used by ordinary young people in their teens and early twenties and by Internet residents to become widespread. In today’s world, where words are born and become obsolete at an ever-increasing rate, it is painful for a good adult over 30 years of age to use the latest youth language or the latest Internet slang, but it is also desirable to know the meaning of youth words when talking or talking with young people in a line. It is nonsense to ask “What do you mean? It is nonsense to ask them “What does it mean? So, this time, I would like to ask you, “I knew he was an old man…” and brand you as an old man. So, this time, we will introduce some carefully selected words for young people that you must keep in mind so that you will not be branded as an old man.

Youth Words Popular in 2021

Parents gacha

The kind of parents you are born to is a matter of luck.
It is based on “gacha,” a word commonly used in online games.

company’s failure

Abbreviation for “social nonconformist.
A term used to refer to people who cannot conform to society.

〜Only the winner will win!

It means that there is nothing better than this.
It is used for a variety of things, such as people, food, and matters.


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