Suede loafers, featuring men’s coordinates! Wearing & recommending items that add a noble look to your feet!

Suede loafers, featuring men's coordinates! Wearing & recommending items that add a noble look to your feet!

The suede loafer matches a variety of styles with its soft and comfortable material, creating an elegant and noble look for your feet. There is a wide range of design options, including minimalist coin loafers, tassels, bits, and quilted tans, and they are representative of beautiful shoes that raise the level of stylishness without being overly assertive. In this issue, we focus on the “suede loafer” and introduce the most notable outfits and items!

Elegant red check coat with suede loafer feet

Alessandro Squalzi of Volterra wears brown suede tassel loafers with a red checked coat that has an outstanding presence. The suede loafers, which create an elegant and mature atmosphere, support the court’s glamour from the feet up, giving a natural finish to the stylish dress-casual styling without being too showy. Because suede loafers have a reserved quality, they can also coordinate with glamorous items without being overbearingly chic.


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Brown suede loafers set in a black suit coordinate to add softness to the outfit

The brown suede loafers add a glossy touch to the masculine black suit coordinate with the double-breasted wide collar. The suede loafers give the feet of the suit a moist, adult glamour that cannot be achieved with black suits, which tend to be stoic, and give the outfit a deep, mature atmosphere. Suede loafers, which have both the roughness of loafers and the softness of suede, are also great for reducing the formal look of a black suit.

Berwick1707 Suede Tassel Loafer

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