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This video shows you how to make a good shirt wrap around the waist!
The waistcoat is an easy way to dress up a shirt, which is why many people tend to do it in a more casual way than expected. Shirts tend to lose their shape when wrapped around the waist, so if you are going to wear a shirt, it is important to keep the tips in mind and wrap it well to give your outfit a sophisticated look. The video below shows you how to do two different types of wraps: a rough, carefree style and a sleek, compact style. These are just the basic methods, so of course it is possible to add your own arrangements based on these methods.
The “compact wrap” creates a neat and clean waistcoat with just the right amount of volume.
The ” compact wrap ” is worn around the waist with the buttons closed, so the shirt body does not spread out from side to side, giving the shirt a clean look. Compact wrapping is recommended if you want to create a sleek, not too rough, waist-wrapped look.
The “ROUGH WRAP” gives the waistcoat a gorgeous look with the fluttering body of the shirt.
The “rough wrap” style, in which the shirt is wrapped around the waist with the front buttons open, gives the body of the shirt a fluttering, carefree look, giving the outfit a glamorous impression. If the shirt has a pattern, such as a checkered shirt, the effect is even stronger.