Summer Codes Men’s [2021 Edition].

Summer Codes Men's [2021 Edition].

In this article, we pick up the means of dressing that may be helpful for men’s summer coordination in 2021 with the snaps of fashionable people!

↓ Click here for a special article on summer coordination for 2022↓

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Summer is the season when the number of items you wear inevitably decreases. Many of you may have the problem of wearing...

Summer Codes for Men (1) “Earth colors are trending for Spring/Summer 2021!

Colonial colors attracted attention a few seasons ago, but this season, earth colors are trending in a different way. The focus is on dressing in colors found in nature, such as beige, brown, and green. The colors tend to give a languid impression because they are all basically subdued, but to avoid this, it is recommended to pay attention to the luster of the material. If you can add a touch of color to an earth-colored coordinate by wearing trousers with a glossy feel, as the gentleman in the snapshot is wearing, you can be sure to look much more fashionable.

For example, these men’s summer coordinates…

Polo Ralph Lauren T-shirt Click here for details and purchase
Ami Alexandre Matussi Pants Click here for details and to purchase

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アースカラー コーデ特集!ナチュラルな色味でまとめた着こなし&おすすめアイテムを紹介
Earth colors, which evoke natural elements such as the earth and plants, are ideal for creating a relaxed atmosphere. H...

Men’s Summer Coordinate (2) “The classic monotone style is a great way to incorporate light gray.

Monotone outfits are popular regardless of the season, and this season we recommend using light gray. This is because ” Pantone,” which releases a trend color forecast every year, has selected gray to represent reliability in 2021. There are many types of gray, but light gray, which is brighter and gives a fresh impression, will surely give you a summery feeling. Another appeal of gray is that it can be combined with other monotones, such as black and white, to create a stylish gradation of colors in a natural way.

Sunspel Riviela

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[ Related Articles ] Monotone Codes Men’s Special! Introducing chic white, black and gray outfits & recommended items

関連記事 Monotone Codes for Men! Chic white, black, and gray outfits & recommended items!
モノトーンコーデ メンズ特集!白 黒 グレーでまとめたシックな着こなし&おすすめアイテムを紹介
The "monotone coordinate" is a stylish and chic outfit that combines items in achromatic colors of white, black, and gr...

Men’s Summer Coordinate (3) “Color-added techniques to accentuate your summer outfits. Refreshing yellow is the color of the season!

Color is known as a technique to spice up an outfit. There are a wide variety of ways to incorporate color, such as using vivid colors and a more tonal look. Among these colorings, yellow, which was selected by “Pantone” as one of the trend color predictions for 2021, is recommended if you want to create a strong seasonal atmosphere. This color not only enhances the cheerful mood of summer, but also gives a fresh impression to your outfits, so why not try yellow accessories this season?

Destin Printed Neckerchief

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Maison Margiela Replica

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Summer coordinate for men (4): “Dress styles use brighter tones of white and beige to create a man’s sex appeal.

For businesspeople on the front lines of business, dress style is a must. This season, the key to creating a sophisticated look is to use brighter tones such as white, beige and light gray to create a soft colorful atmosphere. By combining light tones throughout the body, a summery lightness can also be created. A suit in a neutral color like the one worn by Mr. Franco, who is known for his dress style, is a perfect match. The dark tie and the sense of balance in the suit, which is adjusted so as not to give a vague impression, are also worth referring to.

De Petrillo Seersucker Suit

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Summer coordinate for men (5) “Add a rugged mood to your outfits with a mix of military taste.

For spring/summer 2021, we will continue to focus on mixing military tastes. There are a wide range of ways to mix and match, such as using easy-to-understand camouflage patterns, as well as military colors and military items. For those who want to incorporate trend-conscious elements into their usual styling, why not consider mixing military tastes?


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Summer Coordinate for Men (6) “Summer jackets are hot with safari jackets!

This safari jacket features a top collar design with four pockets on the front. It is becoming a new standard to be worn over a shirt as an alternative to a tailored jacket. In addition to adding a moderately masculine mood to the outfit, it can also be worn in a mixed style, making it an item that is twice as tasty in one package. Many Italian tailor brands are also offering these items this season, so those who want to create a different mood from the usual jacket style should definitely check them out.

ORIAN Safari Shirt Jacket

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Not unlike a military jacket, the safari jacket was conceived for the aristocracy and is a luxurious gem with outdoor s...

Summer coordinate for men (7): “The mainstream is adopting moderately oversized wear!

The key word in today’s fashion is “relaxed”. The perfect way to embody this is to wear big silhouettes. This has been a boom for several seasons, but now it has become a mainstream item and is being introduced by all brands. Just one slightly loose-fitting item, whether tops or bottoms, is all it takes to give even the simplest of outfits an “in” look, making it a must-have addition to your wardrobe.


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