- Types of patterned jackets (1) "Windowpane jackets with an elegant and classic mood
- Patterned jacket type 2: "Glen check, a chic English classic pattern from the canyons.
- Patterned jackets (3) "Houndstooth," which has an appealing jagged look that is different from the linear plaid.
- Types of patterned jackets (4) "Tartan check" has a history of being treated as a pattern that only Scottish clans were allowed to use at that time.
- Types of patterned jackets (5) "Gun Club Check," a sophisticated pattern used by British and U.S. hunting clubs
- Types of patterned jackets (6): "For a fresh finish to your outfit, go for this pattern! Gingham check."
- Not just a typical textile! A wide variety of plaid jackets
- Patterned jackets (7) ""Stripes"" for a sharp and intrepid look
- Patterned jackets (8): "Herringbone" adds a sense of weight and serenity
- Types of patterned jackets (9) "Add a seasonal military mood! Camouflage Pattern Jackets" "
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Patterned jacket type 2: “Glen check, a chic English classic pattern from the canyons.
Glen check is a pattern combining hound’s tooth check (staggered plaid) and hairline stripes (stripe pattern as thin as hair). The word “glen” means a gorge, and the correct name is “glen Urquhart check”; it was woven in a gorge called Urquhart in Scotland around the 14th century, and thus the name “glen Urquhart” check was derived from “Glen Urquhart”, which means “Urquhart Gorge”. Glenurquhart” check. A plaid with a larger plaid pattern than the glen check is called “glen plaid” because the smaller plaid pattern is called “check” and the larger plaid pattern is called “plaid”. It is also called ” Prince of Wales plaid” or “Prince of Wales check” because Edward VIII, Duke of Windsor of England, a well-known fashion icon, loved this pattern.
Elegant navy items accentuate the presence of the glen check patterned jacket in a jackets coordinate.
This jacket jacket coordinate with a glen-checked pattern is accentuated by an elegant and noble navy shirt, navy trousers, and a cool black turtleneck knit. The trendy and conscious combination of layered turtlenecks and shirts maximizes the potential of the glen plaid jacket.
Lardini Check Jacket
For details and purchase, click here.
Enhance the precision of your glen plaid jacket coordinate with a pair of jeans in a beautiful tapered silhouette.
The glen check patterned jacket is paired with tapered jeans in a beautiful silhouette to create a sophisticated jacket and jeans coordination. The same gray-based item combination can be finished with the addition of the glen check accent to create a man’s look with rhythm.
Lardini double-breasted check blazer
Click here for details and to purchase