Men’s Jackets by Pattern! Introducing chic and glamorous current coordinates and items!


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Men's Jackets by Pattern! Introducing chic and glamorous current coordinates and items!

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Types of patterned jackets (6): “For a fresh finish to your outfit, go for this pattern! Gingham check.”

Gingham check is a plaid pattern consisting of white and two other colors at regular intervals. There are various theories about the origin of the name, such as the Malay word “Genggnag” meaning striped pattern, or the French place name “Guingamp” where the yarn-dyed plain weave of Indian origin was first produced, and there is also a history that the striped pattern was originally called gingham. It is widely used not only for jackets, shirts, and other clothing, but also for tablecloths, handkerchiefs, and interior decorations, and is often used as a uniform because of its simple, bright, and clean image.

The contrast of navy and white gives a clean look to this gingham check patterned jacket coordinate.

The contrasting colors of navy and white create a fresh, clean look in this coordinated gingham plaid jacket. The navy shirt used as innerwear brings out the charm of the jacket and bottoms.

LARDINI Tailored Jacket

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