- Types of patterned jackets (1) "Windowpane jackets with an elegant and classic mood
- Patterned jacket type 2: "Glen check, a chic English classic pattern from the canyons.
- Patterned jackets (3) "Houndstooth," which has an appealing jagged look that is different from the linear plaid.
- Types of patterned jackets (4) "Tartan check" has a history of being treated as a pattern that only Scottish clans were allowed to use at that time.
- Types of patterned jackets (5) "Gun Club Check," a sophisticated pattern used by British and U.S. hunting clubs
- Types of patterned jackets (6): "For a fresh finish to your outfit, go for this pattern! Gingham check."
- Not just a typical textile! A wide variety of plaid jackets
- Patterned jackets (7) ""Stripes"" for a sharp and intrepid look
- Patterned jackets (8): "Herringbone" adds a sense of weight and serenity
- Types of patterned jackets (9) "Add a seasonal military mood! Camouflage Pattern Jackets" "
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Patterned jackets (3) “Houndstooth,” which has an appealing jagged look that is different from the linear plaid.
Hound’s tooth is a plaid pattern consisting mainly of black and white. The word “hound” refers to a hound and “tooth” to a tooth, and the pattern is derived from the fact that the teeth are jagged like a hound’s fangs. In Japan, it is called “Chidori-koushi,” or “staggered lattice,” named so because it looks like a string of chidori (many birds) flying in a row. The impression is elegant and classic. Generally, large houndstooth patterns are used for jackets and small houndstooth patterns are used for suits, but in recent years, various houndstooth patterns are used for coats, jackets, suits, and blousons, regardless of the size of the pattern.
Coordinating houndstooth patterned jackets that accentuate a clean image
This houndstooth-patterned jacket is styled with a striped cleric shirt and white pants to accentuate the clean image. Patterned items containing white are skillfully combined and coordinated as if to weave the theme of white into an expressive style.
Cantarelli houndstooth tailored jacket
Click here for details and to purchaseA stylish houndstooth patterned jacket coordinate with a clever use of color
The hound’s tooth jacket jacket style is a stylish combination of brown, camel, and beige items that match the color of the wearer’s hair and skin. The loose-fitting pants are folded up at the hem and worn with brown leather sandals. The effortless style and the loose feel of the footwear are exquisite.