Explaining the characteristics of ” jackets ” by type! Covers everything from tailored to down jackets and riders!


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Explaining the characteristics of " jackets " by type! Covers everything from tailored to down jackets and riders!

Types of jackets (3) “Cotton jackets

Cotton jackets” look similar to down jackets, but the main difference is that these jackets are stuffed with cotton made from polyester, cotton, or other man-made fibers. Down jackets made from waterfowl feathers tend to be expensive due to the preciousness of the material, while cotton-filled jackets made from artificial materials are available at relatively reasonable prices. However, even though they are reasonably priced, they are very effective at keeping you warm, and in addition, they are waterproof and lightweight, and many items can be washed at home. Incidentally, quilted jackets are also a type of cotton jacket.

Cotton Jacket Recommendation 1: “Columbia Oak Harbor Insulated Jacket

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Cotton jacket recommendation②”Patagonia Nano Puff Jacket

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Types of jackets (4) “Leather jackets

Leather jackets, which give off a wild atmosphere, are indispensable items for adding a rugged finish to adult styling. As the name suggests, leather jackets are a generic term for jackets made of leather, and they exude a luxurious mood unique to leather materials. In addition to its cool appearance, leather jackets are also characterized by their durability and protection against the cold. There are various theories as to the origin of the leather jacket, but it is believed to have originated as military uniforms. Today, leather jackets in various designs and made of soft leather for everyday use have been introduced, making them a more familiar item. Leather jackets come in a wide variety of types and can be broadly classified into two categories: “flight jackets” and “riders’ jackets. Let us explain the details below.

Flight Jacket (Leather)

Originating as military uniforms for the Air Force, “flight jackets” are made of a wide range of materials, from leather to nylon and other man-made materials. In the old days, the cockpit of an aircraft was not airtight and clothing needed to be highly windproof, so even in such circumstances, windproof leather materials were often used for flight jackets. The first leather flight jacket was the ” Type A-1 Summer Flying Jacket ” developed by the U.S. Army for summer wear. The collar, sleeves, and hem were ribbed to prevent wind from entering, a design that had a great influence on later flight jackets. Later, the “A-2 Summer Flying Jacket” was created as a successor to the A-1, which stood out among the many other flight jackets. This model is still used by the U.S. military today. The G-1 jacket worn by Maverick in the movie ‘ Top Gun’ is another leather flight jacket masterpiece, and since the sequel was released in 2022, a replica model is being sold by Avilex.

Flight Jacket Recommendation 1: “AVIREX G-1 Jacket

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Flight Jacket Recommendation 2: “AVIREX B-3 Jacket

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Riders’ jackets “

The term “rider” refers to a “biker” who rides a motorcycle, and the riders’ jacket is a jacket made exactly for bikers. It is windproof to prevent wind from entering while driving, and the front is zipped up instead of buttoned to shut out the wind. The jacket has belts on the waist and sleeves to prevent gaps, and the collar is folded outward to prevent it from getting in the way of helmets. The zip-up jacket sold by the American manufacturer “Schott” in 1928 is considered to be the world’s first riders’ jacket. Later, it became popular in the rock and punk music scene, and it still boasts strong popularity as one of the jackets with a deep connection to music culture.

Riders’ Jacket Recommendation 1: “JAMES GROSE Dover Jacket

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Riders jacket recommendation②”Schott (Schott) 613US One Star Riders Japan special order model

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