Mastering the Art of Suit Sleeve Length: Achieving the Perfect Balance with Shirt Sleeves


Mastering the Art of Suit Sleeve Length: Achieving the Perfect Balance with Shirt Sleeves

Jacket sizing in suit style is very important, and sleeve length in particular is a part that requires delicate adjustment. So, what is the ideal sleeve length?

When determining sleeve length for a suit, it’s based on distance from the thumb tip! What is the ideal length?

If the sleeve length of a suit is too long, it will look too short and sloppy, and if it is too short, it will look too tight and sloppy. In business situations, the balance of sleeve length is particularly important, and this alone can give a bad impression to clients. So, how long should the sleeve length of a suit jacket be?
(The image shows an example of short suit sleeves. The sleeves are not in balance with the sleeves of the shirt, and even a well-dressed suit style can look drab.)

The answer is based on the length from the tip of the thumb to the cuff, and it is considered ideal to have a distance of 11cm to 12cm open here. This length is the ideal value that makes a suit style look smart and cool, and it is basically a theory that should be followed. With custom-made suits, you can leave it to the store, but the problem is with ready-to-wear suits. It is very common to buy a ready-made suit and have the sleeve length not match, so instead of saying “Oh well” and neglecting to adjust it, have it adjusted to fit your body properly.

The length balance with the shirt sleeves is another factor that influences the impression of a suit style.

When a shirt is worn as an inner layer of a suit, the balance between the cuffs of the suit and the cuffs of the shirt must also be considered. The basic balance of a suit is to have the sleeves of the shirt visible when the arms are down, but how much the shirt sleeves extend out is important. Ideally, the shirt sleeves should protrude 1 cm to 1.5 cm. This is the golden balance, and it makes the suit style with the shirt look the smartest. Since the sleeve length of a ready-to-wear shirt may not match the length of a shirt, it is recommended to have a shirt made to order if you are looking for the perfect balance. For shirts, it is also possible to adjust the sleeve length with arm bands or arm garters. Of course, adjustments can be made, so it can be said that shirts are relatively easier to adjust than suit jackets.

[ Related article ] If you want to know more about how to dress a suit, check out the following articles:

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