Ash is the coolest hair color for men.


Ash is the coolest hair color for men.

Ash is a color that is overwhelmingly popular among men. The cool, dusky tones and cool atmosphere characteristic of cold colors add a masculine and fashionable look. In this issue, we will focus on the theme of “men’s ash-colored hair” and introduce the characteristics and appeal of ash color, as well as recommended hairstyles.

What color is ash?

Many people think of ash as a blue color, but it is actually the English word “ash,” meaning grayish. It is characterized by its transparency and its ability to express just the right amount of dullness without the reddish tones that are common in Japanese hair. It also blends well with other color tones, so it can be used to enhance bluish or gray tones, or with brown tones, for a variety of coloring options. Each manufacturer offers a wide range of colors from ash-based dark tones to high tones, so it is easy to find what you like.

Find men’s hairstyles with ash color.

What are the benefits of ash hair color for men?

Unlike brown or blonde hair, ash hair can be dyed to give a sophisticated look. It is also a perfect color for a solid look and does not require much in the way of clothing, making it easy for even fashionable beginners to try it out. Furthermore, the transparency of the hair also has the pleasant effect of making the skin look translucent. If you don’t want to make any mistakes with hair color, ash is a good choice.

Should I bleach it?

Bleaching makes it easier to create transparency and dullness. However, bleaching damages the hair, so it is easy to have disadvantages such as dryness and poor color retention. Recently, Illumina Color and Adixi Color, which can produce a high-tone-like transparency without bleaching, have become an option, but it is important to understand that they cost more than regular hair color.

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