What supplements should I take during strength training? Recommendations that are proven to work.


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What supplements should I take during strength training? Recommendations that are proven to work.

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Check out other supplements that are effective when taken together with muscle training!

There are a variety of supplements currently available in the training industry, some of which are effective when taken in conjunction with the above supplements. Needless to say, non-flavored is the way to go when considering mixing and matching.

Supplement 1: “HULX-FACTOR Creatine Monohydrate” (HULX-FACTOR)

Creatine is expected to increase the intensity of muscle training, and is recommended for those who want to efficiently increase the weight they can handle. Creatine is usually hard to dissolve in water, and it is easy to feel a rough texture when you take it in your mouth, but this creatine is 99.9% pure, and yet it is extremely easy to dissolve in water. In addition, the cost is as low as other products, making it suitable for those who want to try creatine for the time being.

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Supplement to take while strength training (2) “DNS Beta Alanine

Beta-alanine is a type of amino acid that is expected to reduce muscle fatigue and prevent muscle loss during training, similar to the effects of the essential amino acids contained in EAAs, so it is likely to be more effective when taken together. However, too much beta-alanine can cause a beta-alanine flush, which is a tingling sensation in the limbs. It is possible that other supplements may contain beta-alanine, so it is important to check if other supplements contain beta-alanine before taking to avoid overconsumption.

For details and purchase, click here.

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Supplement 3: “GOLD’S GYM Glutamine Powder

Gold’s Gym, a world-renowned gym, offers a highly pure glutamine supplement. Glutamine is a nonessential amino acid for muscle building that is abundant in the body, but it is greatly depleted during high-intensity exercise. This makes it difficult to maintain muscle mass, so it is important to consume glutamine without running out. There are various types of glutamine supplements, including capsule types, but for muscle training purposes, Gold’s Gym’s glutamine supplements, which were created based on the feedback from trainees, are a good choice.

For details and purchase, click here.

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