Citric acid makes muscle training more efficient! Learn when to take it, how much to take, and recommended supplements.


Citric acid makes muscle training more efficient! Learn when to take it, how much to take, and recommended supplements.

Citric acid is recommended for those who find it difficult to get rid of fatigue no matter how much rest they take. Citric acid has long been said to be the key to relieving fatigue. Citric acid is an ingredient that has been said to be the key to relieving fatigue since ancient times. It has the effect of breaking down lactic acid in the body, making it easier to get rid of fatigue accumulated in daily life, as well as helping to improve the efficiency of muscle training. In this issue, we will focus on citric acid and introduce the recommended supplements and when to take them!

What is Citric Acid Anyway?

Citric acid is the sour component in sour foods such as lemons and pickled plums. The human body metabolizes glucose and produces energy through the “citric acid cycle,” but when lactic acid, a fatiguing substance, accumulates, energy production efficiency declines. When citric acid is added to the citric acid cycle, energy is produced more efficiently, which is why it is said to be effective in relieving fatigue. Citric acid also has the function of breaking down fatigue substances, making it ideal for bodies tired from intense muscle training or sports. If you are having trouble getting rid of fatigue, please give it a try.

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Citric Acid has four great benefits!

Citric acid is not only effective in relieving fatigue, but also has other excellent effects, which is why we recommend it. Even if you consume a large amount of citric acid, the good thing is that only the unnecessary amount is eliminated from the body, so side effects are unlikely to occur. Here we will introduce four major benefits of citric acid.

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Effects of citric acid (1) “Effective in relieving fatigue! Activates the production of energy sources and breaks down lactic acid.”

As mentioned above, citric acid is said to be a highly effective ingredient in the recovery from fatigue. To recover from fatigue accumulated in the body, an energy source called ATP is needed. Citric acid has the power to activate the production of ATP in the body, and it also decomposes lactic acid to promote metabolism. Citric acid is an important ingredient for conditioning the body, and should be actively consumed by those who easily feel fatigue and men who are engaged in muscle training.

Effect of Citric Acid (1) “Increases the absorption rate of minerals through its chelating action!

Minerals are important for both maintaining physical health and improving the results of muscle training. However, some minerals are difficult for the body to absorb, making it difficult to consume them efficiently. This is where citric acid comes in. Citric acid has a “chelating effect” that converts minerals into a form that is easy to dissolve, allowing them to be absorbed into the body very efficiently. If you have taken mineral supplements in the past but did not feel the effects, it is recommended to take them with citric acid.

Effect of Citric Acid (2) “Thoroughs the blood! Health-conscious people should take it “

Repeated poor diet or stress can cause blood to become sluggish. It is said that “blood is the barometer of health. One of the effects of citric acid is that it keeps the blood in a smooth and silky state. Citric acid is also said to facilitate the excretion of bodily wastes, so it is recommended to take citric acid from the viewpoint of beauty.

Effect of citric acid (3) “It also improves appetite!

Citric acid also has the effect of promoting the secretion of stomach acid, which in turn increases appetite. Therefore, citric acid is useful for people who are too tired to work up an appetite and for preventing summer fatigue. It also stimulates the secretion of digestive enzymes, thereby aiding digestion. This should help even those with a small appetite to bulk up, so those who are engaged in muscle training should also actively consume citric acid.

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