What are the six dressing perspectives that lead to a successful business casual coordinate?


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What are the six dressing perspectives that lead to a successful business casual coordinate?

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The key to a successful business casual outfit (3): “Pants can give a wide range of impressions! Adjustment of taste is an important factor.

Pants are an item that gives a very different impression depending on the material and tailoring. Whether the material is fine wool or rugged denim, and whether the specifications are slacks or five-pocket pants. The choices are endless when it comes to combinations. Recently, designs that change the silhouette to slacks with five-pocket specifications, or designs like Denisura’s that use casual materials in an elegant slacks silhouette, are also popular. Tailored jackets with a tie-up and leather shoes on the feet can be worn with a slightly more casual denisura bottom, for example, while adjusting the balance with other items.

[ Related article ] The combination of a jacket and jeans gives the jacket a casual look.

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