5 keywords to make men’s coordination look seasonal in 2023 summer fashion


5 keywords to make men's coordination look seasonal in 2023 summer fashion

This issue focuses on the trendy styles of summer 2023. Based on information obtained through fixed-point observations in major fashion cities, overseas street snapshots, and interviews with influential fashion influencers on SNS, we have carefully selected five keywords to focus on in order to create a coordinated look in season!

Notable Keyword for Summer 2023 (1) “Slightly Wide Pants

The oversized pants trend that has continued for the past several years is beginning to show signs of slowing down a bit in 2023. In the midst of this trend, ” slightly wide pants” with a loose, straight silhouette are attracting attention. The reason why they are gaining support is that they have an exquisite thickness that allows them to be worn with oversized or oversized tops.

Editor Tachibana
Recently, I feel that the style of pants with a roomy silhouette in one cushion or just the right length is becoming more and more popular. For footwear, many people, both in Japan and abroad, seem to be in the mood to wear shoes with thick soles or, in contrast, flat-soled Adidas “SAMBA” or Onitsuka Tiger “MEXICO 66.”

Summer 2023 Keyword (2): “Shirts + Tank Tops

The use of tank tops as innerwear for shirts is slowly gaining attention. Tank tops have a wider neckline than T-shirts, giving them a cooler, more open look. Depending on the combination of shirts and tank tops, you can enjoy everything from the recently trendy Korean fashion to European resort-style coordination, so be sure to look for your ideal look.

Editor Tachibana
For a clean look, a simple plain shirt and tank top overlay is the way to go. I personally think it’s also a good idea to look badass with an aloha shirt and tank top combination like Scarface’s Tony Montana!

Hot Keyword for Summer 2023 (3) “Korean Hair

In summer fashion, where the number of items worn is reduced and outfits are simplified, the hairstyle is one of the elements that greatly influences the look. One of the hairstyles at the forefront of popularity is Korean hair. これは韓国で人気を集めるアイドルや俳優のヘアスタイルを参考にした髪型だ。SNSでは HIP HOPアーティストのイメージが強いドレッドスタイルから韓国アイドルのグクを意識したセンターパートに大変身するヘアカット動画が バズり、コメント欄では「かっこいい!」 ” and “BIGBANG turned into BTS!” and “BIGBANG turned into BTS! In addition, when we interviewed hairdressers, we found that the number of men who cite Korean celebrities as their reference image, saying, “Please make my hair like this person’s,” has increased considerably over the past few years.

Editor Tachibana
There are many different types of Korean hair. If you are thinking of trying Korean hair, it is a good idea to start by finding an actor or celebrity who is close to your ideal. I, who am in Alaska, often refer to the hairstyles of Korean actors such as “Gong Yoo” and “Song Joon Gi,” even though they may be a little out of the mainstream today. I also recommend that you look for your ideal hairstyle on OTOKOMAE’s article on popular men’s hairstyles in Korea.

Notable Keyword for Summer 2023 (4) “Beautiful Macho

Along with hair and makeup, “physical beauty” is attracting attention as a characteristic of Korean style, which is experiencing a worldwide boom. ” and “Park Seo-jung,” a leading Korean actor who has been called “the god of romantic comedies,” most of the world’s famous men work out to a gory degree. As such Korean culture is gaining support from women all over the world, “beautiful macho” is one of the essential elements of fashion style. OTOKOMAE also publishes contents focusing on hairstyles,skin care, at-home muscle training, and more. Please take a look at them for reference.

↑Mr. JACOB, a member of the popular Korean group VAV

2023 Summer Keyword (5) “See-through Material

The last keyword we will focus on is “see-through” men’s coordination. The trend of showing skin, which is becoming common among ladies, is finally spreading to men. Among them, see-through tops such as transparent shirts, T-shirts, and sleeveless tops were seen at the most recent Pitti Uomo.

Editor Tachibana
Personally, I feel that men’s hair removal and makeup are becoming more commonplace and that “showing skin” is becoming more accepted as a trend due to the “increase in the number of men with beautiful bodies. I feel that the “skin-showing” trend is becoming more and more accepted as more and more men have “beautiful bodies.” I think it is important to remember to take care of unwanted hair on the arms and underarms when wearing see-through clothing, as it can spoil the sense of cleanliness.

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