What are the 5 different techniques to know about layering a hoodie and a t-shirt?

What are the 5 different techniques to know about layering a hoodie and a t-shirt?

The “hoodie” and “T-shirt” are the ironclad duo of men’s casual coordinates. These two orthodox items can be combined to create a subtle sense of style and individuality. In this issue, we introduce five techniques for layering a hoodie and a T-shirt in order of difficulty level!

Layering Technique Lv.1 “The iron plate is to show off a T-shirt from the hem of a hoodie!

The most orthodox layering technique is to show a glimpse of the T-shirt from the hem of the hoodie. By letting about 3~4cm of innerwear peek out, a rhythm is created in the outfit and a sophisticated impression is created. It is also effective in eliminating the one-tone look that is often associated with set-up style.

Layering Technique Lv.2 “Show off the print on your T-shirt with a zip-up hoodie.

If you want to show off the printed design on the T-shirt, a zip-up hoodie is a good choice, but beware that depending on the printed design on the T-shirt, the outfit may look TOO MUCH. If you want to keep a mature look, choose a modest design such as the chest print T-shirt like Justin Bieber’s in the snap below.

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Layering Technique Lv.3 “Boldly layer a T-shirt with a hoodie that has a tight ribbed hem!

If the hoodie is the type with a tighter hem rib, you can dare to bring the hem position up for a more daring layering of T-shirts. This technique can be used when you want to create a rude atmosphere with an oversized outfit. Many fashionable people wear hoodies with the hem ribs folded inward to keep the length of the hoodie short and sleek.

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