What is a body that looks good in a suit? Introducing the muscles and home training that lead to a decent man’s dressing style.


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What is a body that looks good in a suit? Introducing the muscles and home training that lead to a decent man's dressing style.

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A body that looks good in a suit (2) “A good man has a dependable back! Get the width and thickness to look sexy in a suit.

There are two reasons why you want to strengthen your back in order to look cool in a suit. One is to attain a shapely, straight-backed style. The other is to have a wide back, which will give your waistline a more defined waistline and a more flattering look. The advantage of training the back is that it gives the impression of a man who is capable in both business and nightlife situations. If you want to become a businessperson who lives up to the motto, “A man speaks with his back,” you should definitely train your back.

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House training to build a dependable back (1) “One Hand Row”

The ” broad back muscles ” need to be trained in order to build an inverted triangle body and a thick back. The one-hand row is an exercise that concentrates on strengthening the broad back muscles. In addition, because the shoulder blades are also moved widely, it also works the trapezius muscles, leading to the elimination of stiff shoulders and many other unexpected benefits. Incidentally, since this exercise can be done without dumbbells as long as there are weights, plastic bottles filled with water or sand, shopping bags, etc. can be substituted.

Hold a dumbbell in one hand, and assume a mid-rise posture with your legs spread out in front and behind you. At this point, keep your chest tight and your back straight. Then, stabilize the posture by placing the hand that is not holding the dumbbell on a chair or stand. Pull your elbows in while tightening your sides, and slowly exhale as you lower the dumbbells. The goal is three sets of 15 repetitions, but if this is too difficult, you can adjust the weight or go up to the maximum number of repetitions.

[related article] Rowing for a wide back! The right way to do it & tips for the wide back muscles.

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Home workout to build a dependable back (2) “Back Extension”

Back extensions are a home workout that can strengthen the ” erector spinae ” muscles, which are essential for good posture. Along with the push-up, it is also one of the most popular weight training exercises. It is a simple muscle training exercise that only requires you to bend over. However, overdoing it may cause pain, so the first step is to repeat the exercise within a reasonable range.

Lie face down on a towel or mat with your hands next to your ears and your feet shoulder-width apart. Using your solar plexus as a fulcrum, slowly raise your body and exhale. For best results, raise your legs together at this time. If you try to force your body up, it is easy to cause pain, but if you do it with the image of ” keeping your head and legs away from each other “, you can relax your back and get the full effect. The goal is three sets of 15 repetitions, but if you find it difficult, you can go as far as you can.


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