Rowing for a wide back! The right way to do it & tips for a wide back!


Rowing for a wide back! The right way to do it & tips for a wide back!

To build a body that looks good when you wear a suit, it is essential to strengthen not only your chest and shoulders, but also your back muscles. If you have a thick and strong back, you will look great not only in a suit but also in a T-shirt. In this issue, a personal trainer explains the proper way to do the “rowing” exercise, which strengthens the broad back muscles.

Rowing to make your broad back muscles bigger! The perfect muscle training to build the foundation of your inverted triangle!

Rowing is a posture in which the rower sits in the middle of the back and pulls a barbell or dumbbell as if thrusting the elbows backward. This exercise concentrates on strengthening the “broad back muscles,” which are important for building an inverted triangle body. It is said to work the center of the body in particular, and is ideal if you are aiming for a thicker body or a more toned body when you take off your clothes. It is also suitable for those who want to improve their bad posture, such as hunchback or rounded back, and to improve the rounded back caused by daily desk work. Although not the main focus of this exercise, it also works the posterior deltoids, biceps, and trapezius muscles, making it a good way to strengthen the shoulder area as a whole.

Next, I explain how to do rowing with dumbbells!

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