What is a body that looks good in a suit? Introducing the muscles and home training that lead to a decent man’s dressing style.


What is a body that looks good in a suit? Introducing the muscles and home training that lead to a decent man's dressing style.

It is no exaggeration to say that for businesspeople, the way a suit is worn is not simply a matter of appearance, but an important factor in determining the success or failure of a business. On the other hand, it is also true that many people are concerned that their suits do not look good on them. So this time, we will introduce a home training program to help you build a body that looks good in a suit!

The reason why Japanese people feel suits don’t suit them is because of their national characteristics!

Not a few people look at their own suit style in the mirror and think, “I don’t look good in a suit…” In fact, many Japanese people feel that suits don’t look good on them. In fact, it is said that one of the reasons why suits do not look good on Japanese people is due to the “national trait” of how muscles are built. Specifically, compared to Westerners, Japanese people tend to have less muscle tone in the back of their bodies. There are various theories as to why this is the case, but it is said to be related to the long history of the Japanese as an agrarian people. It is said that about 60% of all hunchbacks in the world are Japanese, and this vice is also due to such a national trait.

In comparison, Westerners, who have a long history as hunters, are said to have developed their back muscles through daily activities such as archery and the culture of sitting on a chair. This is a major reason why the culture of muscle training has taken root.

There are three points to building a body that looks good in a suit!

We are handicapped in this way, but we still want to look good in a suit! It is the nature of men to want to look good in a suit. In such cases, tailoring a suit to suit one’s body shape is an effective way to look glamorous, but it is also possible to look even more glamorous by finishing one’s body. The three key points to creating a body that looks good in a suit can be summed up as (1) thickening the chest plate, (2) building muscles in the back, and (3) curing the hunchback. Here we will introduce a muscle training menu that can be done at home with these points in mind.


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