High Brand Sneakers Special! Introducing from classic to new models!

High Brand Sneakers Special! Introducing from classic to new models!

High-brand sneakers with high design are all available here. All of them have a high status and individuality, and their recognizable looks are perfect for elevating your outfits. In this issue, we focus on sneakers made by such high brands and pick up items of interest!

High Brand Sneakers ” ALEXANDER McQUEEN Oversized Sneakers

The “Oversized Sneaker” has reigned as the brand’s signature sneaker since its debut in the 2015 Spring/Summer collection. As the model name suggests, it is characterized by its oversized outsole, which is approximately 4.5cm thick, a thickness that sets it apart from conventional sneakers. The sharp silhouette makes them easy to match with any outfit, which is the reason for their high popularity. New designs are released every season, and each time they attract attention, so be sure to check them out.

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Alexander McQueen’s sneakers are a staple of the season! Introducing the secret of their popularity and the hottest coordinates.

関連記事 Alexander McQueen Sneakers Codes & Featured Models!
アレキサンダー・マックイーンのスニーカー コーデ&注目モデルを紹介!
Alexander McQueen's shoe collection, led by the thick-soled, oversized sneakers introduced for spring/summer 2015, has a...

High Brand Sneakers “GUCCI Ace

The “Ace” is one of Gucci’s most popular sneakers, with a shape reminiscent of vintage sneakers from the 1970s. The Ace features a shape reminiscent of vintage sneakers from the 1970s, and the brand’s iconic web stripe gives it an iconic look. The Ace is a popular model that comes in a wide variety of colors and embroideries, so you will be happy to know that you won’t find the same pair of Ace sneakers as everyone else.

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High Brand Sneakers “BALENCIAGA Track.2

The “Track.2” is a sneaker that follows in the footsteps of the “Track” sneaker, which was born as a trail-style high-tech sneaker. 176 parts are intricately and constructively combined to create a unique look. The use of different materials, such as mesh and rubber, is perfect for the current mood. The slightly open-air design, combined with the clean white hue, gives a cool impression. It can be used not only with luxurious street style outfits, but also as a subtle addition to a beautiful coordinate, so why not try them on?

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The complex layering of different materials and colors, washed and vintage-effect parts, and the design and functionali...
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