What is the best mask for skin? And what causes mask skin irritation and how to deal with it!


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What is the best mask for skin? And what causes mask skin irritation and how to deal with it!

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You can do it during the day! Check out the tips on how to deal with mask skin irritation during the day!

Even if you use a mask that is resistant to skin irritation, it may be difficult for some people to prevent skin irritation completely. So, what I would like you to do at the same time as using a mask that is less likely to cause skin irritation is to take the measures I am going to introduce now. These are simple measures that can be taken even during the daytime, so be sure to check them out.

How to deal with mask skin irritation (1) “Change masks frequently

Masks inevitably get dirty when worn for long periods of time. Bacteria attached to the inside of the mask can multiply and multiply, so it is recommended to replace the mask with a clean one every 2 to 3 hours if possible. If this is not possible, simply changing the mask once a day is effective. Changing masks frequently is also effective in terms of infection control, and should be taken into consideration.

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How to deal with mask skin irritation (2) “Use mask spray to keep your mask clean.

Have you ever heard of a mask spray? This is an excellent item that can be sprayed on the outside and inside of masks to sterilize them. Although it is not as clean as using a new mask, it is recommended if you want a cost-effective measure against skin irritation. Since the sanitizing ingredients may sink in during skin irritation, it is best to choose an organic, skin-friendly spray.

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How to deal with mask skin irritation (3) “Use a handkerchief to remove steam inside the mask!

Masks that are less likely to cause skin irritation are relatively less likely to steam, but they still steam during hot weather or when there is a large difference in temperature from the outside air. To prevent skin problems caused by this steaminess, it is recommended to frequently wipe off the skin and the inside of the mask with a handkerchief. To avoid friction when wiping, gently press the handkerchief against the skin. This alone will help reduce mask skin irritation.

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How to deal with rough mask skin (4) “Don’t forget to moisturize frequently.

No matter how good the quality of the mask, it is impossible to completely prevent evaporation of moisture from the skin when the mask is removed. Therefore, it is important to remember to moisturize frequently even during the day. If you carry a lotion mist or moisturizing stick with you, you can easily moisturize even while at work. If you make it a part of your routine, such as always moisturizing while using the bathroom, you will be able to prevent rough skin caused by your impressions.

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How to deal with mask skin irritation (5) “Surprisingly, base makeup protects the skin!

It may seem surprising, but wearing a mask on the skin after applying base makeup is also effective. While heavy makeup can be a burden on the skin, a simple makeup application of sunscreen and face powder will protect the surface of the skin with little burden. In this case, we recommend using cosmetics with high moisturizing power that can retain moisture in the skin as much as possible. Protect delicate skin and free yourself from rough mask skin.

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How to deal with mask skin irritation (6) “If you want a quick fix, resort to dermatological treatment.

Mask-induced skin irritation has become so serious that it is known as ” mask dermatitis. If you use masks that are less likely to cause skin irritation and do not heal even after extensive care, then it is a standard practice to resort to treatment by a dermatologist. It is important to improve and prevent rough skin with medicines and pharmaceutical lotions. It is also a good opportunity to learn about skin care that suits you, so you should consider seeking professional help.

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