Which hairstyle is appropriate for new employees? The latest business hair situation as revealed by the results of a hairstyle awareness survey.

Which hairstyle is appropriate for new employees? The latest business hair situation as revealed by the results of a hairstyle awareness survey.

PERCUT, a hair salon specializing in men’s hair, conducted a survey of 127 male students between the ages of 20 and 24 who will join a company as new employees this spring. The company announced the results of the survey on the characteristics of a suitable hairstyle for a new employee and their awareness of the hairstyle they should have when joining a company.

According to the survey results, 30% of the respondents answered that “the hairstyle they think is appropriate for a new employee” and “the hairstyle they actually have” are “different.

Percut is a hair salon specializing in men’s hair with high quality workmanship supervised by top stylists and a cost performance of 3,850 yen including tax for a haircut. The salon currently operates nine salons in Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, and other cities, and is unique in that many of its stylists specialize in hairstyles for businessmen. The salon conducted a survey of new employees for the spring of 2022 to find out their attitudes toward hairstyles when they join the company.

(1) More than 80% of new male employees want to “get a haircut in preparation for joining a company.

The first question. To the question, “Do you want to have your hair styled (e.g., go for a haircut) for when you join the company?” 83.5% of the respondents answered ” Yes,” indicating that more than 80% of men are highly conscious about their hairstyles when they join a company.

The reason for wanting to have their hair styled was “I think it’s better to look like a working adult” at 72.6%, followed by “I want to do my best at work” at 36.8% and “I want to be assigned work and get promoted” at 20.8%. It appears that people are conscious of their hair style as a way to motivate them when they start working.

(2) One out of three respondents answered that “the hairstyle they think is appropriate for a new employee” and “the hairstyle they will actually have when they join a company” are “different.

When asked, “Is the hairstyle you think is appropriate for a new employee the same as the hairstyle you will actually have when you join the company?” 67.7% answered “the same” and 32.3% answered “different. Approximately 30% of the respondents wanted to have a different haircut from the one they “think is appropriate for a new employee.

Furthermore, when asked, “Which person would you like your hair to be like when you join the company as a new employee?” 20.5% of male bosses responded with reasons such as ” I want to be thought of as serious ” and ” It is easier to do my job if they like my hair “. On the other hand, the most common response was “I want to have my hair the way I like it (I don’t want anyone to like my hair, etc.),” at 63.0%.

(3) “Hair style appropriate for a new employee” is a clean, short business haircut

When asked which hairstyle in the photo here they thought was “most appropriate for a new employee,” 34.6% of the respondents chose “B,” followed by 29.1% for “A,” and 15.0% for “D.

Business short hair, which is clean and serious looking, seems to be highly favorable. Conversely, F, with its heavy bangs, was the most unpopular. Tatsuya Kawaguchi, a representative of PARCUT, commented, “I feel that the survey is very current in that the hairstyle that the younger generation thinks is appropriate for a new employee includes two-blocked hair and that a hairstyle that is not too short received the most votes. In order to acquire good talent, companies may need to gradually change their perceptions.” He commented.

(4) What kind of hairstyle do you think your male boss would like?

Finally, using the same photo, the question was asked, “What kind of hairstyle do you think your male boss would like?” A was the most common, at 52.0%. The other most popular hairstyle among female bosses and coworkers was “B”. Mr. Kawaguchi commented, “In the past, there used to be rules about hairstyles according to company regulations and corporate culture, but I can imagine that the recent trend is that many men have their own will, for example, “I can wear my hair the way I like it. However, I can imagine that many men nowadays have a strong desire to do their best in their work. He gave a general comment.

Click here for the official website of Percut.

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