Aloha shirts made by the Japanese? Introducing resort-style men’s coordination & recommended items using Hawaiian traditional clothing.


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Aloha shirts made by the Japanese? Introducing resort-style men's coordination & recommended items using Hawaiian traditional clothing.

Create a trend-conscious look with a monotone aloha shirt

Aloha shirts have a strong impression of colorful and gorgeous botanical and Japanese patterns, but this season, when monotone is the trend, why not try a dark aloha shirt in black and white like this one? The contrast between black and white creates a chic mood without changing the botanical pattern, giving a completely different impression from popular aloha shirts. We recommend wearing other items in monotone for a trend-conscious and unified look.

Black is the key color in this coordination of an aloha shirt and black jeans that is both flamboyant and cool.

Dave Franco chose a black Saint Laurent aloha shirt with a bright red hibiscus pattern, and matched it with slim-fit black jeans. By using black as the key color, he avoids the eyesore of a flashy-colored aloha shirt and achieves both flamboyance and coolness in a summer men’s outfit. The use of white sneakers on the feet to dispel the “kime” feeling is also brilliant!

Saint Laurent Aloha Shirt

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