Casual outfits with leather shoes! Mature look men’s outfits & items!


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Casual outfits with leather shoes! Mature look men's outfits & items!

Leather shoes for casual style (1) “Loafers

Loafers,” as the name “slacker” suggests, are leather shoes that can be worn without tying the laces. The shoes have a history of being popular for outside wear due to their convenience and good design. The relaxed, relaxed look of these shoes goes well with casual styles. While maintaining a classy impression, they also create a relaxed mood on the feet.

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What is a loafer? History, origin, and 27 recommended models by 4 major designs. ”

関連記事 What is a loafer? " history, origins, and 27 recommended models in each of the four major designs."
Types of loafers (1) "Coin loafers (penny loafers) The coin loafer, the original loafer, features a design with a cutou...

Leather shoes suitable for casual style (2) “Wingtip

The general term for leather shoes with a wing-like toe is “wing tip. Wingtips are said to have originated around the 16th to 17th century. It is said that wingtips originally originated from work shoes worn by the Gaelic people, a Celtic tribe living in Kochi, Ireland. Therefore, they go better with slightly broken-in jackets and casual styles rather than dressy suit styles.

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[ Related article ] Introducing the history and classic models of the wingtip, the most decorative men’s shoe.

関連記事 The history and classic models of the most decorative men's shoe, the " wingtip ".
There are three main types of wingtips! Types of Wingtips (1) "Full Brogue Full brogue" is another name for wingtip. T...
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