Men’s Pants Codes by Type! Focus on color, pattern, silhouette, and detail


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Men's Pants Codes by Type! Focus on color, pattern, silhouette, and detail

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There are many variations of men’s pants by pattern!

Men’s pants give a different impression depending on the pattern. Next, we introduce men’s pants by iron plate pattern!

Men’s Pants by Pattern (1) “Plaid Pants

A general term for pants with a plaid pattern. Since this pattern gives a relatively pop impression, it is often used for casual styling.

Men’s pants by pattern (2) “Striped pants

Striped pants with vertical lines give a sharp impression. Since the impression given changes depending on the pitch, they should be used strategically.

Men’s pants by pattern (3) “Striped pants

Pants with horizontal lines. They give a different impression from stripes.

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