How to match and coordinate jeans and leather shoes?


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How to match and coordinate jeans and leather shoes?

Tips on how to match jeans and leather shoes (2) “Beautiful jeans with slim tapered or straight silhouettes are easy to match.

For current Levi’s models, we recommend the slim tapered 501CT, and for vintage models, we recommend the 66 model, which is one of the slimmest 501s of all time, for its “ease of matching with leather shoes. If you want to wear them with a dress shirt or a tailored jacket for a more sophisticated look, you can match them with denim from brands such as Jacob Cohen,Petey Turin Denim,Civiglia,Entre Ami,Germano, etc.


Tips on how to match jeans and leather shoes (3) “Keep the length of the pants at no coution and keep it clean.

For a more sophisticated and complete look, wear with leather shoes with no socks or with socks, and with a cushion-free length. The length can be as short as ankle-length or as short as ankle-length to fully expose the ankle and ankle, and of course, it is recommended to hem them or roll them up.

Next, we will introduce some examples of coordination for each type of leather shoes that go well with jeans, as well as a selection of recommended leather shoes and jeans.


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