How to match and coordinate jeans and leather shoes?


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How to match and coordinate jeans and leather shoes?

Jeans×Leather shoes coordination “Plain toe shoes with an external shuttlecock are the best choice for matching with denim pants.

Leather shoes that do not lose out in martial styling such as rider’s jacket and jeans, do not stand out in natural styling such as T-shirt and jeans, and fit in easily with office casual denim such as tailored jacket and jeans. The short shoes with plain outer blades are the best choice for casual style on weekends. If you often wear them with casual styles on weekends and holidays, we recommend choosing rounded toes with commando soles or other martial soles.

Church’s Shannon” plain toe shoes with an external shuttlecock that goes well with jeans

For details and purchase, click here.

LEVI’S 501CT” jeans that go well with plain-toe external-blade shoes

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