How to Tie a Necktie! From the basic tie to the more sophisticated way, we show you how to tie a necktie with video clips!

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How to Tie a Necktie! From the basic tie to the more sophisticated way, we show you how to tie a necktie with video clips!

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How to wear a necktie (1) “Double dimple” to give your necktie a glamorous look ” ▶︎Check out this video on how to tie a bow tie!

Dimples on neckties add a cozy look to the tied-up style. Dimple means “dimple” in English, and as the name implies, it is the dimple that forms under the knot of the tie. In other words, a “double dimple” is a tie with two dimples under the knot. Compared to the normal dimple, the double dimple gives the neckline more dimension and glamour, and is one of the most useful techniques for making a suit look more glamorous at weddings and parties. Although it looks complicated at first glance, it is surprisingly easy to make, so those who plan to attend weddings and other events should definitely try it.

▶︎Check out this video on how to make a double dimple necktie!

Related article】If you want to know more about how to make a double dimple, check out this article:

関連記事 Revamp Your Style with the Glamorous Double Dimple: A Guide to Tying Your Necktie Like a Pro
How to make a double dimple (1) First, make a plain knot without tightening the knot, leaving it loose. As the term ...

How to wear a necktie (2) “Shift the small sword” to give your suit/jacket style a sophisticated look.

The second way to wear a tie in a sophisticated manner is the ” small sword shifting. As the name suggests, this is an arrangement technique in which the small sword of the tie, which normally overlaps the large sword, is shifted to either side so that it can be seen from the front. As the gentleman in the snapshot below makes clear, the small sword, which is usually hidden behind the large sword, becomes visible, increasing the exposed area of the tie and giving a suit or jacket style a glamorous and sophisticated impression. Although it may look difficult at first glance, it is actually a simple technique that can be done easily, and is recommended for those who want to arrange the tied-up style in a simple way.

▶︎Check out this video to see how to do the small sword shuffle!

Related article] For those who want to know more about how to do the shifting of the small sword, check out this article:

関連記事 Necktie: How to tie the small sword displacement knot " "A quick and easy arrangement to give your suit/jacket style a sophisticated look!
ネクタイ 小剣ずらしの結び方「手軽なアレンジでスーツ・ジャケットスタイルをこなれ感たっぷりに仕上げる!」
How to tie a necktie with the small sword in place (1) "Adjust the balance of the necktie knot so that the small sword ...
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