What is Needles’ ” Track Pants ” that captivate so many people?


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What is Needles' " Track Pants " that captivate so many people?

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Surprisingly easy to match! How to wear track pants

The Needles track pants are unique and impactful. Although the design is unique, they are surprisingly easy to match with any item and can be enjoyed in a variety of styles. The chic colors and knit-like fabric give them a high quality feel, so they go well not only with casual items, but also with jackets and shirts. It is also good to wear with a track jacket for a simple, royal style. It is also an excellent item that can be used to add a touch of sophistication to a more formal item. Many people match it with outdoor items or military wear, making it a fashionable item that is useful for town use.

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Needles track pants come in four different silhouettes!

Needles track pants come in four different silhouettes. Needless to say, the look varies greatly depending on the silhouette, so it is important to examine the silhouette carefully when choosing. The following is an explanation of the four silhouettes.

Needles track pants silhouette 1: “Narrow type” featuring a tapered silhouette that is ideal for the first pair of track pants.

The narrow model is characterized by a silhouette that is roomy around the waist and strongly tapered from the knees to the hem. The tapered silhouette and center press make the leg line look beautiful. The silhouette is the slimmest among track pants, but the soft jersey material makes them very comfortable to wear. The street-style yet beautifully finished item is easy to wear and ideal for those who have never tried Needles track pants before. The model tapers toward the feet, so if you want a larger fit, try one size larger.

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Needles’ track pants silhouette (2): “Boot-cut type,” which is popular among fashion-conscious people

Boot-cut track pants with a flared silhouette that gently widens from the knees to the hem are also very popular. The most appealing feature of these pants is that they are made to fit well over shoes, creating a beautiful connection between the pants and the shoes. This silhouette has recently been attracting renewed attention among fashionistas, so they are also useful when you want to add a trendy look. Incidentally, the hem width is generous, so if you want to take advantage of the beautiful silhouette, a size S would be just right for a 170-175cm person.

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Needles’ track pants silhouette (3): “The classic ‘straight type’ that adds a sense of comfort.

The straight model reigns as the standard silhouette. It is characterized by a straight silhouette that is relaxed around the waist and falls to the hem, and is said to be the model favored by fashion-loving professionals. The relaxed silhouette makes it ideal for adding a sense of style to your styling. The drawcord at the waist allows you to adjust the waist position, so you can change the hem to the length that best suits you. This straight type is also recommended in size S for those who are 170~175 cm in height.

NEEDLES Track Pants Silhouette 4: “If you’re looking for a super unique pair, the “knee-del type” is definitely the way to go.

Along with the track pants, the “knee del pants” are considered Needles’ masterpiece pants. By incorporating the three-dimensional design of these pants into track pants, the knees seem to protrude, creating a unique pair that cannot be found anywhere else. At first glance, the silhouette may look like it would be suitable for a wide range of wearers, but the exquisite thickness and length have been calculated to look cool no matter who wears them. However, they are still large, so it is wise to choose a size S even if you are 170~175 cm. The strong quirkiness of these pants will give you an overwhelming difference from those around you, so why not try them on?

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