How to choose business gloves and what brands do you recommend?


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How to choose business gloves and what brands do you recommend?

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How to choose gloves for business (2) “The impression of a glove depends on the design of the seam (seam)!”

One of the major factors that determine the impression of a glove is the stitching. The “out-seam” glove has exposed stitches, while the “in-seam” glove has no exposed stitches because it is sewn on the inside. The former has a rugged, masculine image, while the latter is minimalist and feminine. For business use, there is no problem with either out-seam or in-seam, but for a conservative impression, the in-seam, with its minimal ornamentation, is the best choice.

How to choose gloves for business (3) “Choose colors that easily link with your suit, shoes and belt!”

In addition to the color of the suit or jacket, especially in the case of leather gloves, it is recommended to match the color of leather accessories such as shoes and belts to reduce the number of colors and increase the level of sophistication and fashion. In addition to navy and gray, black and brown are also good choices.

Example: Brown leather gloves are chosen to match the color of leather bags and leather shoes.

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