Special feature on medium hair for men in their 30s! Pick up a haircut for each face type.


Special feature on medium hair for men in their 30s! Pick up a haircut for each face type.

As their professional and personal relationships expand, men in their 30s need to pay more attention to their appearance than ever before, and there are probably an increasing number of men who would like to try medium-length hair with a calm, mature feel that is typical of men in their 30s, rather than the fresh, vibrant hairstyles of men in their 20s. In this issue, we pick up “medium hair that suits men in their 30s” and introduce hairstyling techniques.

Face Type 1: “Medium Hair Suitable for Men in Their 30s x Round Face

A round face with equal proportions of length and width tends to give a juvenile impression, so it is important to be conscious of creating a more mature look than other face types. It is a good idea to use a gentle perm for a smart look while adding elegance, and to emphasize the vertical silhouette by adding volume at the top. Medium-length hair is relatively easy to arrange, so make full use of styling to alleviate the complexities of a round face.

Medium Hair Suitable for Round Faces (1) “Adult Center Part for Easy On/Off Transitions”

Mush hair with a rounded base may seem difficult to match a round face, but it can be followed up with a front-lowering silhouette and three-dimensional styling. For off-duty days, the man in the photo has a center parting that is left loose, while for on-duty days, he can enjoy a change by wearing his hair all back and styling it with a crisp, all-over look. The center part with a natural texture, which is different from the neatly styled center part popular among the younger generation, accentuates the simple stylishness of the adult look.

▶︎Styling tips

We recommend using a wet styling product to add a glossy finish and a touch of color. Part the hair before drying as usual for a center part, and after drying to separate the hair into left and right sections, dampen the ends and apply hair gel. Let the bangs hang down lightly and hold the hair from the sides to the back, while sweeping the hair backwards.

Recommended styling products for this hair style ▶︎”ARIMINO Arimino Men Freeze Keep Gel

For details and purchase, click here.

Medium-length hair that suits a round face (2) “Masculine wolf style with a nuanced perm for an adult casual look.

The Wolf style, which creates a silhouette all the way down to the collar, is perfect for round faces because it is suited to creating a vertical silhouette. This haircut is characterized by shortening the hair around the face to make the collar stand out without lengthening it that much. Also, the key to creating an adult style is the combination of black hair with a nuanced perm that creates a trendy, carefree look while not becoming too casual. The mixture of calm masculinity and ennui in this hairstyle is sure to be popular with women.

▶︎Styling tips

The trick is to dry the hair so that it spreads outward without pulling it too much, as the collar is the deciding factor. Dry the entire hairstyle with a rough hand and use soft wax to accentuate the texture of the perm. If you want to change your look, try an up-bang to accentuate your masculinity.

Recommended styling products for this haircut ▶︎”DEUXER Number Three Soft Wax 2

For details and purchase, click here.

Medium-length hair that suits a round face (3) “Achieve a rock-inspired, masculine style with a perm and an all-back hairdo.

The hair is permed in moderately strong waves, and is swept back all the way. The sides are also pulled back to increase the horizontal volume, creating more space for the hair to occupy the entire silhouette of the head and covering the round face. A tight all-back style tends to give a severe impression, but as in this hairstyle, perms are applied evenly throughout to create a loose finish, adding a friendly touch and creating a good balance.

▶︎Styling Tips

For a glossy and voluminous look, dry the roots first. Dry mainly at the roots first, as you want it to look shiny and voluminous. The trick is to blow-dry the hair with a hand as if to sweep the entire strand back, creating a certain amount of hair flow. Before finishing, lightly dampen the ends of the hair and apply hair gel to the ends, rubbing the gel lightly into the hair and sweeping the hair back.

Recommended styling products for this haircut ▶︎ “napla en dot homme gel balm

For details and purchase, click here.


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