How much protein should I consume per day? Along with recommended foods and protein.


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How much protein should I consume per day? Along with recommended foods and protein.

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7 protein-rich foods!

The following is a list of protein-rich foods. We have selected these foods based on their richness in nutrients other than protein, as well as their ease of incorporation into the diet.

High Protein Ingredients 1) “Chicken

Chicken is probably the first food that comes to mind when most people think of high-protein foods. In fact, it is a priority for many trainees and dieters, and is extremely popular. Particularly popular parts are breasts and chicken breasts, which are attractive because of their low fat content if the skin is removed. If you are concerned about the dryness of chicken breast and chicken breast, you can also use chicken thighs, which may seem fatty, but once the skin is removed, the fat content is not significant, so enjoy your meal as you like.

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High-protein food (2) “Beef

For those who use power in muscle training, creatine-rich beef is recommended. Lean beef, like chicken, has a high protein content, with more than 20 grams of protein per 100 grams. Lean cuts of beef such as filets, thighs, and rumps are low in fat and should be grilled or made into roast beef to avoid overcooking.

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High Protein Food (3) “Pork

Pork, which is high in protein and rich in vitamin B, is also recommended. Vitamin B is essential for recovery from fatigue and for protein metabolism, making it especially suitable for muscle trainers. If you eat pork, choose loin, thigh, or fillet meat with the fat removed for efficient protein intake. This is the best match for those who are tired of chicken and want to save money compared to beef.

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High-protein food (4) “Red meat fish such as tuna and bonito

Like meat, fish is rich in animal protein. In particular, lean fish such as tuna and bonito are recommended as they contain more than 20 grams of protein per 100 grams. Fish in general is also rich in high quality fat, which is another attraction.

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High-protein food ⑤”Scallops

Many trainees recommend scallops because they contain about 14 grams of protein per 100 grams and are rich in taurine, a type of amino acid. Taurine, which is well-known in nutritional drinks, is expected to lower blood cholesterol and blood pressure and prevent strokes and heart disease. Scallops can be costly, so if you are looking to cut back on expenses, baby scallops are a good choice.

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High-protein food ⑥”Soybean products

Soybeans are by far the best vegetable protein. Foods that are readily available and easy to incorporate into the diet include natto (fermented soybeans), tofu, and yuba (bean curd). Although their amino acid score, which indicates the high quality of protein, is not as high as that of animal sources, they are rich in dietary fiber and other components, so it is a good idea to include them in your diet. For tofu, cotton (momen) tofu is higher in protein than silk (momon) tofu.

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High Protein Food ⑦”Eggs

Eggs, also known as “complete nutritional food,” are not only a good source of protein, but are also packed with other nutrients. Another secret to their popularity is that they are inexpensive and can be eaten in a variety of ways, making it easy to continue incorporating them into one’s diet. Eggs are rich in protein in the white part of the egg, and it is said that the protein is best absorbed when the egg is semi-cooked.

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