Montblanc is the best brand of writing instruments loved by Yukio Mishima! Introducing the charm and recommended models of ballpoint/fountain pens.

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Montblanc is the best brand of writing instruments loved by Yukio Mishima! Introducing the charm and recommended models of ballpoint/fountain pens.

Many historical figures, including John F. Kennedy and Yukio Mishima, have used Montblanc fountain pens!

Fountain pens are items used for signing ceremonies and other historical occasions. The Meisterstück, which is known as the highest quality fountain pen, has naturally been used at signing ceremonies all over the world. One famous example is the episode of President John F. Kennedy, when West German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer could not find his fountain pen when signing the Golden Book in Cologne, Germany, in 1963. At that moment, President John F. Kennedy casually offered him a Montblanc fountain pen, saying, ” Here is my pen. This anecdote conveys President Kennedy’s kindness and humor, and the fountain pen he used at that time is said to be the ” Meisterstück 149 “.

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In addition to President Kennedy, many other famous people, including Queen Elizabeth II, Princess Diana of Wales, and Yujiro Ishihara in Japan, have used Meisterstück pens. Many writers, who are particular about their writing instruments due to their professions, are also fond of Montblanc, and the brand is known to have been used by such literary giants as Yukio Mishima, Ken Kaiko, Kenzo Kitakata, and Seicho Matsumoto.

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