Swimsuit Men’s [ What are the 7 conditions for a tacky outfit?


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Swimsuit Men's [ What are the 7 conditions for a tacky outfit?

3) “I’m wearing a rash guard.”

Rash guards are mainly designed for surfers and other ocean-goers to prevent chafing and sunburn. In fact, however, real surfers rarely wear rash guards, which is a curious thing. The only men who wear rash guards are children, land surfers, and men who try their best to hide their body shape. Fashionable surfers basically wear “top half naked” or “T-shirts. If they want to keep warm, they usually wear a tapper made of wetsuit material. (The classic black rubber model has been in vogue for the past few years.) Surfers only wear rash guards as numbers for competitions. Rush guards are a typical surfing item that surfers do not use, and it is up to you to decide whether or not to wear one!

4) “Leather sandals when you know you’re going to get wet?”

Flip flops for men's swimwear style (1)HENRY & HENRY flip flops

Wearing a swimsuit is always cool no matter what the occasion, and this is also true for swimwear. Since you are wearing a bathing suit, the basic premise is to dress in a way that you don’t mind getting soaked! Wearing leather sandals for street wear that can be damaged by the water is a no-no, and for situations such as lying on a bed by the pool at a first-class city hotel and quietly reading a book, rubber sandals that emphasize functionality should be chosen for leisure activities at the ocean or river.


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