How to make a good impression in 30s fashion? Introducing items from men’s recommended outfits.


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How to make a good impression in 30s fashion? Introducing items from men's recommended outfits.

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When choosing brands and items that will elevate your 30s men’s fashion coordinate, it is recommended to have three “easy” perspectives!

If you want to upgrade your 30s men’s fashion coordination to look clean and stylish, it is recommended to have three “easy” perspectives when selecting brands and items. Just by filtering through one of these perspectives, you should be able to determine what you should buy now.

Buy simple, high-quality, and “easy-to-use” items

Wearing high-quality items is the shortest route to expressing a classy, mature look. However, “I took the plunge and bought an aggressive item that is more expensive than usual, but it is sitting in my closet because I don’t know when to use it.” Therefore, when purchasing high-quality items, it is recommended to choose simple and easy-to-use items. Simple items in the higher price range have a high probability of being very useful, since many of them are designed with a high degree of perfection in terms of materials and cutting.

Not only classy! Items designed to be “easy to move around” are both comfortable and elegant!

As time has progressed, clothing has become not only fashionable but also important in terms of comfort: easy to wear. This trend is evident not only in casual wear but also in the dress genre, as seen in the flying sales of Lardini’s EASY line, which emphasizes functionality, including packable suits, and the increasing number of businessmen wearing slacks with a shirred back waist. Items that are stress-free and comfortable to wear will surely make you look more natural and smart.

Leverage “inexpensive” and good-cost items and brands by skillfully mixing and matching them!

Brand-name items that catch the eye in fashion streets and magazines are all attractive, but wearing only those items requires a considerable budget. If you are aiming for a more realistic and fashionable look, it is recommended to skillfully mix and match low-priced items to complete your style. Nowadays, there is an abundance of well-designed items that are not only inexpensive, so be sure to keep your eyes peeled everywhere for good quality items that are good for your budget.

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