Special feature on men’s hairstyles with the seven thirds parting! Pick up classic men’s hairstyles and recommended styling products.


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Special feature on men's hairstyles with the seven thirds parting! Pick up classic men's hairstyles and recommended styling products.

The Short Cho-Three-Sectioned Hairstyle for Men (6) “A transformative short cho-three-sectioned style that can be worn natural or formal.”

If you are looking for both a natural and formal look while keeping the length of your hair, this is the one for you. The sides and collar are sweetly trimmed and the overall length is left intact, making it easy to arrange. For example, if the man here wears his bangs up, the formal look stands out, while if he wears his bangs down in a center parting, it creates a trendy and natural look. This style is recommended for those who are looking for a more relaxed and mature look, rather than a masculine hairstyle full of energy.

▶︎Styling tips

Dry the hair while parting it firmly, then use a glossy wax to create a light finish. No difficult steps are required as there is no need to create bunchiness or volume, but you will want frizzy hair or a loose perm. Alternatively, you can create light movement at the roots and ends of the bangs with an iron or blow-dryer.

Recommended styling products for this haircut ▶︎FIOLE Creative Design Natural Wax

For details and purchase, click here.

Shichisan parted men’s hair style (7) “Not too close-cropped is just right, an adult shichisan style that can be worn by everyone.

A hard moustache can enhance a man’s masculinity, but it can also be intimidating, depending on the face type and clothing. However, if you are conscious of the balance between the width and length of the clipping, as in this hairstyle, you can easily create a fresh atmosphere that everyone can appreciate. Another appeal of hairstyles that are not cut to the guts is that they are easy to change to other hairstyles. Since it is a simple hairstyle, if you want to add some personality or change the atmosphere, why not try a darker hair color?

▶︎Styling tips

After drying hair thoroughly, use a wax that is easy to move around to create a silhouette. Part the hair into a seven-tiered bun to create light volume at the top and back, and finish by styling the upswept bangs. For a more formal look, use hair gel or grease to create a tight, flowing arrangement.

Recommended styling products for this haircut ▶︎MANDOM GATSBY Moving Rubber Spiky Edge

For details and purchase, click here.

Men’s 7-3 parted hair style (8) “The tightly brushed bangs and wet texture create an intelligent and sexy look.”

When you think of the hair parted in thirds, you might say, “This is the image I have in mind! This is an intelligent and sexy wet hair parted into 7 thirds style. The hair around the ears and around the face is styled to create a clean and sincere look, and the hair is parted in a neat, flowy style to add an intellectual atmosphere. The wet styling also gives a man’s sex appeal. You can also arrange your own fashionable style by brightening your hair a little or adding a pair of glasses, as this man did. If you want a sexier look, you can also combine it with a beard for a cool look.

▶︎Styling Tips

Use grease on semi-dry hair that has been towel-dried thoroughly. Wet styling products are stretchy and easy to apply to the hair, so a coarse comb is recommended. Using a comb makes it easy to separate hair into seven thirds, making it easier to style efficiently. Be careful not to use too much styling product to achieve a tight finish, as this can lead to stickiness and loss of control.

Recommended styling products for this haircut ▶︎Nissuri Cool Grease Pericia EX EXTRA HARD

For details and purchase, click here.

Shichisan parted men’s hair style (9) “A masculine Max Chichisan parted style that creates a wild and formal, decent-looking man.

If you want to emphasize the sexy side of the parted hair, the raised bang style with the length left intact is the way to go. The tight and shiny seven thirds style, or even a wild seven thirds style with permed waves and volume, can also be sexy. Also, keeping the hair cut low and emphasizing a natural look is effective in creating a sense of unadorned coolness. Recommended for those who want a formal look even with a permanent style, or for those who want to try a hairstyle with a masculine sex appeal.

▶︎Styling tips

First dry the hair thoroughly from the roots with a hair dryer, then use a wet styling product to bring out the curls and volume. After the entire hair is dry, dampen the ends with water or hair mousse and blend in the styling product to adjust the silhouette. Drying the hair first will make it easier to keep the hair standing up and voluminous.

Recommended styling products for this haircut ▶︎Loretta(Loretta) Hard Jelly

For details and purchase, click here.

Men’s hair parted into 7 thirds (10) “A playful mix of curls with a calm, mature man’s sex appeal and intelligence!

The side of the hair is trimmed and the fringe is combined with the beard to create a more dandy-like style. The side parted hair is pulled back over the ears, and the curly bangs are parted in a seven-three parting to create a crisp, intelligent look. The combination of a mature, relaxed look and the individuality of the curls gives the impression of a man who is on top of his game. If you don’t want to match it with a beard, you may want to lengthen the length of the fringe to give it a more masculine look.

▶︎Styling tips

When drying the hair with a hair dryer, hold down the part that goes over the ear to accentuate the volume and movement of the opposite side. After drying, apply a glossy wax to the entire hair, leaving one side tight and the other side flowing and voluminous. If you have straight hair, it is recommended to use an iron or hair iron to set the hair rather than applying a perm to the entire hair.

Recommended styling products for this haircut ▶︎OCEAN TRICO Hair Wax Shine Over Shine x Keep

For details and purchase, click here.


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