Creatine: The Complete Dissection of Creatine! Introducing the effects, how to take it properly, recommended products, and more!


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Creatine: The Complete Dissection of Creatine! Introducing the effects, how to take it properly, recommended products, and more!

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We also recommend using supplements that go well with creatine for a synergistic effect!

Creatine by itself is effective enough, but if you want to make your body more efficient, you should aim for a synergistic effect with other supplements. Here are some supplements that go well with creatine!

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Supplements that go well with Creatine (1) “Protein

It is said that lactose (milk sugar) contained in milk-based proteins such as whey protein and casein protein increases the absorption efficiency of creat ine. In fact, experiments have shown that protein and creatine are effective when taken together during training, so it is definitely something to try. There are many types of protein, but be careful when choosing soy protein and beef protein, as they do not contain lactose. Also, there are a certain number of Japanese people who are constitutionally unfit for lactose, so if you feel your stomach is not feeling well, you should refrain from using them.

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Supplements that go well with Creatine②”HMB

HMB is a component of BCAA and EAA, and is made from the essential amino acid leucine. It is said to be effective for muscle hypertrophy and strength building, and HMB-only supplements are also available. As with protein, experiments conducted on training with creatine and HMB together revealed that the effects were better than with creatine alone, and this has attracted the attention of trainees. It is also possible to take leucine, the element that makes HMB, from BCAA or EAA supplements, but if you want to get the effect of a direct approach to muscles, it is more efficient to take HMB supplements.

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Supplements that go well with Creatine (3) “Glucose

When glucose increases in the blood, insulin is secreted from the pancreas, and this insulin carries creatine throughout the body. In other words, glucose is needed for creatine to be effective. The reason why creatine intake is not recommended while on a ketogenic diet is probably because insulin cannot be satisfactorily secreted by a body depleted of glucose. If the body is getting enough carbohydrates from the diet, there is no problem with glucose intake. However, if you are in a bulking period or do not have much time to eat between workouts, a carbohydrate drink containing maltodextrin as the main ingredient is recommended.

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