What are the 8 ways to dress up the classic “white T and denim” men’s coordinate?


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What are the 8 ways to dress up the classic "white T and denim" men's coordinate?

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How to wear a white T and jeans with a stylish look (2) “Give a stylish impression with accessories that elevate your look!

A simple men’s coordinate of a plain white T-shirt and jeans tends to look a little monotonous. It is a good option to try adding accessories that can elevate the look with just one item. Rings, bracelets, watches, necklaces, wallet chains, etc. are all acceptable, but be careful not to get greedy and add too many accessories to every part of your outfit, as this can make you look overbearing and intimidating to some people. If you want to add your own personality, celebrities and artists have a lot to offer in the way they use accessories.

A belt with a strong buckle is also a good idea!

In the fashion world, there are many proposals for western belts with strong assertiveness, and we are sensing a revival of the 2000s trend. Depending on the style, it may be possible to incorporate a belt with a buckle design that gives a strong impression. Although it is likely to be more of a petit trend than a big wave, it is worth checking out while you still can.

For a subtle touch, a mesh belt with a puntarelle is a good choice!

To add a subtle accent to the waist, we recommend hanging a mesh belt with puntarel. Models designed with a longer length allow you to add variety to the arrangement depending on the way you wrap it.

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関連記事 You can wrap it in any way you like, or let it hang down to show off your style.

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