There are endless ways to roll up! Introducing notable examples of how to wear each type.


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There are endless ways to roll up! Introducing notable examples of how to wear each type.

Ankle pants rolled up to a cropped length!

Pants that are originally hemmed to a short length can be rolled up to make them even shorter. This can be incorporated into spring and summer styling to create a more lighthearted impression.


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Roll up the white pants and white sneakers combination to expose skin and add rhythm.

Care should be taken when combining items of the same color, as it may give a monotonous and uninteresting impression. In the styling below of white pants and white sneakers, the footwear is rolled up to show a moderate amount of skin to add rhythm to the footwear.

For example, this combination

Givenchy Jeans Click here for details and to purchase
Golden Goose sneakers Click here for details and to purchase

If your suit is made of casual fabric, roll ups are also a good idea!

For suits made of linen, cotton, or other casual fabrics, it may be a good idea to roll them up in some cases. If you balance this with a more casual look by wearing a no-tie and sneakers, you will feel more at home.

Common Projects White Original Achilles Low Sneakers

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