Cool Biz Attire 2022 Update! [ Means to look stylish even with no tie or just a shirt, and items to aim for ].


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Cool Biz Attire 2022 Update! [ Means to look stylish even with no tie or just a shirt, and items to aim for ].

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Introducing the basic style of Cool Biz attire! Part 2 (5) to (8)

Basic style of Cool Biz attire (5) “If you are going to tie up during the Cool Biz period, it is a good idea to choose a knit tie or a brightly colored tie!

Even during the Cool Biz period, when no-necktie style is the norm, there are bound to be more than a few occasions when a necktie is required. In such cases, it is a good idea to choose an item that is appropriate for the season. For example, try wearing a knit tie with a tie up. In summer, a coarsely knitted tie made of cotton or crisp linen will give a cool look to the V-zone. The square end design, also known as a square end, is unique to knit ties and is a great addition to a jacket style.

Recommended for Cool Biz attire! DRAKE’S knit tie.”

DRAKE’S (Drake’s)” started from the production of neckties and is now establishing itself as a total brand by the transmission of original creativity. Knit ties are highly durable and have a good thickness that makes knots easy to make.

Click here for details and purchase

[ Related article ] “Oriental Knot/For-in-Hand”, a knit tie knot that you may be surprised to know.

関連記事 [ Video Commentary ] "Oriental Knot/For-in-Hand" - A Surprisingly Unknown Knit Tie Knot

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