Boots Codes Men’s Special! Introducing outfits & recommended items that create feet with presence!


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Boots Codes Men's Special! Introducing outfits & recommended items that create feet with presence!

Differentiate your tied-up suit style with a pair of side gore boots.

Side gore boots are a great way to distinguish yourself from the rest of the dress style, such as suits and jacket pants. While maintaining the sophistication of the dress style, the minimalist form of the side gore boot makes the styling stand out from the feet up, creating a modern, sharp image. Of course, they also go well with the short-length slacks of today.

Grenson Side Gore Boots

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Lace-up boots and chinos add a masculine touch to a winter men’s outfit.

The tied-up Ulster Coat winter coat gives off a workmanlike mood. The combination of lace-up boots and chinos, which can be worn dressy or casual, adds a masculine touch to this outfit. The mix of stylish and rugged style is smartly achieved with boots like these.

Common Projects Lace-up Boots

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