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Latest Summer Codesnap & 4 Trend Trends [ Milan Men’s Fashion Week 25SS

Latest Summer Codesnap & 4 Trend Trends [ Milan Men's Fashion Week 25SS

Milan Fashion Week is a great opportunity to catch men dressed in a different style from Pitti. Here we introduce the latest styles seen by members of the editorial team who went to Milan to cover the event, in four different topics.

25SS Milan Fashion Week: Notable Styles (1)

Full-length and floor-length wide pants, which were introduced in the Milan Fashion Week report of January 2024, continued to be seen in large numbers this time as well. The trend of wide pants that has continued for several years seems to have taken root in longer lengths while maintaining the same base. Many people were wearing them at Pitti just before the show, and it is not unusual to see them in Tokyo as well, so it must be a trend that is spreading quite widely. This trend is likely to continue for some time.

Editor Izumi
We’re getting quite used to seeing full-length pants, which looked quite mode when they first came out. As you can easily see in the sixth snap of Jerry Lorenzo (designer of Fear of God) caught in front of the Prada runway venue in this gallery, there are not a few people who cover the heels of their shoes to the point of dragging them. In Japan, it is not so common yet…. The error in this area may have something to do with national characteristics, but there is no doubt that full-length and floor-length wide pants are a major trend in bottoms.

25SS Milan Fashion Week: Notable Styles (2)Shoes: Leather shoe wearers increase! Are loafers in particular a sign of a trend?

The long-running sneaker boom has calmed down, and leather shoes are gaining momentum. Leather shoes do not necessarily mean dress shoes, but casual shoes such as loafers, deck shoes, and plain toes. Loafers in particular were very popular, with coin loafers and bit loafers being the most popular.

Editor Izumi
Not to say that they are losing popularity, but now that the sneaker momentum is slowing down, many of you may have been anticipating what’s coming next in a variety of ways. While not yet a major trend, loafers seem to be gaining in popularity. As mentioned in our most recent Pitti 106 report, the style of loafers paired with denim is noticeable, and it seems like something to keep an eye on in the future.

25SS Milan Fashion Week Notable Styles (3)One-tone, one-color, summer coordinates with a stylish sense of unity enhanced by set-ups

One-tone or set-up coordinates with the top and bottom in the same tone and similar colors were one of the many coordinated looks seen. Men in beige and blue were particularly noticeable, giving the impression of cool, summer collection week style. The brightly-colored coordinates could be tightened up with accessories in black or dark brown, or even all-black could be arranged by balancing the silhouette or opening the buttons on the tops, creating a more stylish coordinate by adding something extra.

Editor Izumi
One-tone or set-up coordination is a style of clothing that allows you to quickly achieve a unified and stylish atmosphere while eliminating the need to think about color matching. However, it is not enough to simply match them, so techniques such as adding accents with accessories and adjusting the silhouette balance are necessary. Many people in Milan, as well as in Pitti Snapshot, have skillfully put together one-tone coordinates and set-up coordinates, so please take a look at this snap page to find coordinates that you may find useful.

25SS Milan Fashion Week Notable Styles (4)Adult summer style with long sleeve top and shorts

The style of wearing long-sleeved tops with short shorts and wearing them in an adult style was another topic that caught our attention. Normally, short sleeves and long pants are the usual combination in summer, but by turning the look upside down, a “dare” is created and the look is instantly more sophisticated. The top can be wrapped around the shoulders or around the waist, giving you a wide range of ways to wear it.

Editor Izumi
Long sleeves + shorts is not a particularly outlandish style, but this outfit has a stylish, somewhat city boy-like feel to it. Personally, I think it would be good to wear a flattering shirt open in the front and let the wind blow through it in a carefree manner. I think it would be a good idea to wear a flattering shirt open in the front so that the wind can blow through it, but I think I’ll only try it on days when the temperature drops dramatically because Japanese summers are hot and humid.

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