3 Men’s Coding Techniques for Mod Coats


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3 Men's Coding Techniques for Mod Coats

How to wear a mod coat now? Here are three popular coordination techniques!

The original, classic mod coat has a certain military look to it that cannot be denied, but nowadays there are many modernized models based on the original mod coat that are suitable for town use. Here we introduce three examples of how to wear mods coats, picking up snaps we took overseas, as well as some coordinating techniques that you should definitely refer to!

How to coordinate a mod coat (1) “Dress Mix” for a sophisticated and mature look

Mod coats are known as an essential part of the ” Mods ” culture that was popular in London from the late 1950s to the 1960s. Their basic style is a slim three-button suit with side vents, a button-down shirt tied up with a slim tie, or a Fred Perry polo shirt. To protect such a suit style from dirt, they wore a mod coat as outerwear. With the above historical background, the combination of mod coats and dress items is a surprisingly good match. Why not enjoy a classy and sophisticated mod coat coordinate with a dress mix of the season?

How to coordinate a mod coat (2) “Modern military taste with a black tie” (Japanese only)

The olive green color, one of the characteristics of military wear, can be tightened up with black items for a more modern look. It can be applied not only to casual style but also to dress-mix outfits.

How to coordinate a mod coat (3) “”Oversize” for a man’s look reminiscent of classic styles

The original mod coat is designed to be worn as outerwear, with an emphasis on ease of movement, and is also designed to meet overseas standards, and is characterized by a generous silhouette throughout. With this background in mind, if you dare to wear a mod coat in an oversized style, you can create a men’s coordinate with a classic man’s brawny look.

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