Sneakers – Special fall coordinates! Tips on how to dress for the season, the latest men’s snaps, and recommended items.


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Sneakers - Special fall coordinates! Tips on how to dress for the season, the latest men's snaps, and recommended items.

White sneakers, which can be worn all season long, add a stylish look to your fall men’s coordinate.

White sneakers can be expected to be used throughout the year in spring, summer, fall, and winter. Regardless of the color scheme or the number of items that are incorporated into the outfit, they have the potential and versatility to add a light and casual look to the outfit. This gentleman, who has kept his fall/winter men’s coordination in dark colors, links white high-cut sneakers and a flirty white T-shirt to add a sense of coziness. In addition, the white sneakers and white T-shirt dispel the heavy look of the dark color combination, which should not be overlooked.

Wearing socks is a good way to create a seasonal look in a low-cut sneaker fall coordinate

In spring/summer sneaker coordination, it is a common technique for fashionable people to wear sneakers with bare feet or foot covers to create a sense of style around the feet, but in fall/winter, wearing socks is another way to create a sense of season around the feet. By using socks with seasonal colors and patterns, you can create a more expressive footwear than in the spring and summer, and also bring about an exceptional sense of stylishness. This is especially effective with low-cut sneakers, which expose more of the socks.

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