Glen Check Coat, the real outerwear for men’s fall/winter outfits!


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Glen Check Coat, the real outerwear for men's fall/winter outfits!

A monotone, seasonal glen check coat coordinate for men!

Regardless of the fashion genre, the monotone coordinate is attracting attention as the most popular outfit this season. The black-and-white base of the glen check coat makes it easy to incorporate into this current trend. In this coordinate, the glen check coat is the main component, and the top, tweed bottoms, scarf, and shoes are all solid monotone. The technique of avoiding a monotonous impression by using exquisitely different tones is also a must-see.

Glen check coat goes perfectly with warm biz style!

Glen check coats also go well with a slightly dressed-down business casual style for fall and winter, such as a suit and knit. By keeping the number of colors to a minimum, for example by matching a monotone glen check coat with a gray suit, you can create a more sophisticated impression.

Glen plaid coat for men’s coordinate with stylish presence

Glen plaid is a textile with a larger grid than conventional glen check. By incorporating such a large-patterned coat into a men’s coordinate, you can create a stylish mood with a sense of presence. Mr. Leonida, who attracts attention for his glamorous suit style, is wearing a stainless steel collar type coat. Although checked, it is a traditional British pattern, so it goes well with a tied-up dress style, which is also a high point.


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