Dark suits, what are the rules of dressing and what brands do you recommend?


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Dark suits, what are the rules of dressing and what brands do you recommend?

How to wear a dark suit (1) Black suit

Match a black suit with a white shirt and a komon tie for an abbreviated formal attire style that can be worn anywhere.

We caught a man dressed in a highly sensitive peaked lapel black suit with a low notch and a modish nuance. Combined with a semi-wide white shirt, navy small-pattern tie, and black leather shoes with straight-tip inner soles, this is a style that can be worn anywhere.

The star-studded party style is a black suit, white shirt, and black tie.

In Japan, this style may have a strong image of mourning, but for events such as the Academy Awards ceremony and parties, a black suit, white shirt, and black tie is a popular look among movie actors and celebrity men. It is thought that the tuxedo style is an extension of the tuxedo style, with the tuxedo converted to a black suit and the bow tie converted to a necktie, and has gradually become widespread.


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