Navy Coat Men’s Coordinate Special! Stylish outfits with a noble atmosphere & recommended items


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Navy Coat Men's Coordinate Special! Stylish outfits with a noble atmosphere & recommended items

A stainless-steel navy coat with a vertical I silhouette for a casual men’s look

The long stainless steel collar coat, which is the most minimalist type of navy coat, is chosen to express a casual men’s coordinate with a clean I silhouette. The stainless-colored coat, which has a silhouette that has been stripped down to the bare essentials, gives the impression of a long and narrow look. The combination of a sweatshirt and wide pants, which tends to make the outfit look drab, is wiped away by the navy coat, and the result is a smart and stylish look.

Harris Wharf London Navy Coat

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A navy coat men’s coordinate with a twist by layering a checkered gilet and a plain tailored jacket

The styling of the navy coat is clean at a glance, but inside the coat, a checkered gilet and a plain tailored jacket are layered on top of each other to give this outfit a twist. The navy coat, navy jacket, and brown plaid jacket are all carefully calculated to create a look that does not make the wearer look bulky.


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