Introducing the appeal of gray slacks and recommended items! Pick up the modernized version of the classic silhouette for fall and winter!


Introducing the appeal of gray slacks and recommended items! Pick up the modernized version of the classic silhouette for fall and winter!

Gray slacks are not as heavy as black and not too light as white, which is why they can be worn with a wide range of outfits. It is no exaggeration to say that you will never have to worry about choosing pants to go with a coat or jacket if you have a pair of high-quality gray slacks. This time, we focus on the versatile “gray slacks,” and introduce their charm and recommended items all at once!

Gray slacks are a must-have royal item for jackets!

If navy is the standard color for tailored jackets, the slacks to be worn under jackets should be gray. Compared to suits, jacket pants are a bit sporty, but gray slacks can create a sincere and fearless impression.

With a pair of gray slacks, you can easily incorporate trendy color items!

Trend colors change rapidly from season to season. It is difficult to change one’s entire body every season to match the color trend. On the other hand, you don’t want to walk around the streets with an incongruous look. We are glad that gray slacks have the depth of nostalgia to easily fit in with such trendy colors. As you can see below, the gentleman below has adopted this season’s trendy color, Bordeaux, for his inner knitwear. The chic charcoal gray slacks go well with the color of the knitwear and give it a modern touch.

Even a mode look with black as the main color can be made a little more friendly with gray slacks!

From the top, the knit cap, stole, long gown, and inner knit are all black, creating a mode-inspired look. While black pants may be a good choice for an edgy and aggressive coordinate, gray slacks are effective if you want to create a more relaxed and friendly look. While maintaining a modern mood, this coordination is somewhat soft and gives a good impression of a man’s style.

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